Antique and Vintage Jewelry Appraisals

Each Antique and Vintage jewelry item is unique and genuinely old, and as such, the “cost method” to reproduce a copy of the item at today’s rates is not used to help determine market value.  Often it may be difficult to find an item comparable to the one being appraised.  Even if a market does exist, it may not be large enough to yield sufficient data for an accurate evaluation.  Given these limitations the best method available is to appraise Antique and Vintage Period jewelry is still to research the retail Antique and Vintage marketplaces for the replacement costs to the closest comparable items.  Shown below are examples of items that are hard to find a close comparable. 

Vibrant Indian Jewelry, Hand-Painted - Jewelry Appraisal
Appraised Faceted Sculpture Ring – Emerald Jewelry Glam
Elegant Pink Tourmaline Ring - Jewelry Appraisal
Vintage Old Mine Cut Rubies - Jewelry Appraisal

Robert Hurt

Hello, I’m Robert Hurt, a graduate gemologist from the prestigious Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Additionally, I hold the title of accredited jewelry professional from the GIA. With over three decades of experience as a Professional Jewelry Appraiser, I can provide you with a highly accurate appraisal. Rest assured that my expertise and knowledge in the field will ensure a reliable evaluation of your precious gemstones and jewelry.
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